So, this is not the kind of thing you would normally find on a "crunchy mama blog". And it is not necessarily the kind of thing I would normally take the time to blog about. (Though I'm about to sweep and mop, so any excuse to put that off for a few more minutes I guess...) But, since this is my only public forum, I will write about it here. Let me explain...
While nursing down my youngest babe (who is almost 1 year now, btw!) I was facebooking from my phone, as is the norm. And happened across this article on Jezebel about James Franco's recent nude selfie, posted in the wee wee hours (ha, see what I did there?!) this morning. Something in the look on his face in the photo compelled me to read the article to find out more. See for yourself...
I was drawn in by the look in his eyes. It is a look I have seen far too many times. It is the look of a man who is beyond intoxicated. I was immediately overcome with many feelings, many relating to my own PTSD from dealing with issues of substance abuse in my own family, but mostly I just felt sorry for him, worried even. So, I clicked the link to the article on Jezebel to find out more. I must not have been the only one who noticed just how messed up he is in this picture? Surely people are talking about that? Someone somewhere must be worried? No, I found that the article doesn't mention anything of how haggard James Franco is looking here, just the basic "celebrities acting weird" stuff you might expect. I assume intoxicated celebrities acting weird on the internet is probably just par for the course these days. But because I know a thing or two about addiction and how destructive it can be, because I know a thing or two about erratic behavior and how quickly it can get out of control, I really think it is worth talking about and worth mentioning. I hope, for his sake, someone close to him who cares sees this photo (even though it has already been removed, it is still out there for the world to see) and talks to him. Before things get worse for him. Before he is another celebrity gone too soon.
** Side note: My husband struggled with alcohol abuse for a few years. He has been sober for 18 months now. I think next time I get time to sit down and blog (ha!) I will write about our story and explain how it effected us, why I couldn't even bring myself to feel present in my own life some days, and why I have been MIA for so so long. And maybe, just maybe, if the baby cooperates, I will have a chance to start blogging a little more. I have so many ideas I want to share... <3
Great article, love your sharing so much, thank you!