About Me, Contact Me

I'm Amy.  I'm crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside.  That's my way of saying that I'm trying hard to "be the change", but I'm far from perfect.  I have an amazing husband, a wonderful "tween" aged girl, a vivacious 5-year-old son, and a cuddly new baby boy. 

I'm making my journey through this thing called parenthood one day at a time, with the love, support, and assistance of my wonderful husband.  I'm a little more "crunchy" than not these days, and much more so than I was a few years ago.  I have been a supporter of breastfeeding as long as I can remember, and I come from a long line of breast-feeders, so becoming the passionate lactivist I am now was not a big leap at all.  I began to ponder what babies expect of their care-givers, understanding that they are born with no knowledge of life or society, and slowly realized that I had always been on a "natural/attachment parenting" path. I am conscious of what I put into and onto the bodies of myself and my family, I am conscious of what I am doing to the Earth while I am here, I am conscious of what I am modeling for my children and what I am helping them to realize inside of themselves. I am constantly learning. Thanks for coming on this journey with me.  I hope that we can learn something from each other!

To contact me, you can email me at crunchyontheoutside@yahoo.com or contact me on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/CrunchyOutside